Some Reflections on Propensity, bridging some interpretations in Toyohari and Engaging Vitality

This article has grown out two different sources; a discussion which has developed during transmitting the Engaging Vitality approach to an audience with a Toyohari background and an article by Chace and Rodriguez Cuadras on propensity which was published recently in the Lantern, I was requested to elaborate on my thoughts about the issues discussed there and this article is the result. As a practitioner of Toyohari and related styles as well as a practitioner of the Engaging Vitality approach …

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Engaging Vitality scholing

Hier kunt U alle lessen die ik geef in het kader van Engaging Vitality vinden (zie ook Calender en studygroups online). En de nieuwe cursussen in NL in 2021vindt u op : Engaging Vitality Programma 2021

Some Reflections on Acupuncture

Most of us have been trained in one or more styles of acupuncture. Whether we have been trained in TCM style acupuncture of Meridian style, we all have learned a certain set of protocols. Of course in the beginning these approaches can be useful, since they help you to navigate through a treatment process, but at the same time it puts many limits on your possibilities. In Engaging Vitality , an approach that was developed by Charles Chace and Dan …

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Ying and Wei in relation to the Qi Jing Ba Mai

In response to Manuel’s question, I’ll elaborate a little on the disharmony between Ying and Wei qi, especially in relation to the Qi Jing Ba Mai. Much of this material will be actually clear to Manuel, since he teaches this stuff over long time, but maybe some other students will benefit from it. I tried to illuminate it a little during the webinar, but due to lack of time and my disability to be clear , I thought it would …

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